CBC Daffodil Day

Cook Brothers Community

He Rōpū Kotahi e hiahia ana ki te tūtaki i te ao, ki te panoni i te ahumahi hanganga, ki te whakaū i a mātou hei kaiārahi ā-motu.
One Team with the desire to take on the world, transform the construction industry and cement ourselves as a national leader.


Over the past nineteen years, Cook Brothers has maintained its core values, ensuring that it works together, develops relationships, and cares for its team, clients, and the community. 

Giving back is our way of ensuring a more sustainable future for us all. An outlook guided by the recognition that mā ngā mahi o tēnei rā, e hanga te āhua o āpōpō, what we do today, defines our tomorrow.

We are committed to the Sustainability principles of Kaiārahitanga Leadership, whereby we recognise our role as leaders for the potential to do well by doing more good and Manaaki Hapori Community Care, in which we respect and support the communities where we work.

In 2021, we launched Cook Brothers Community—an initiative to provide assistance through grants, funding support, professional advice, and mentorship. This program has supported a diverse range of groups and initiatives. 

Building for the Future

Our team of sustainable carpenters is deeply embedded in our communities. We are dedicated to empowering the next generation from hosting workshops to providing educational sessions. Some of our recent projects include:

  • Sponsoring carpentry spaces for tamariki at Macandrew Bay Playcentre.
  • Assisting with murals at New Beginnings Preschool.
  • Building benches and bug hotels for Hororata School.
  • Hosting workshops in collaboration with Ecan/Enviro Schools.
  • Wheelchair-accessible picnic table and bug hotel from reclaimed materials for the Brooker Ave Reserve,  Avon-Otakaro Forest Park.

Should you have any enquiries, please get in touch with community@cookbrothers.co.nz.

Find out more from our recent recipients below. 




Tom “Thanks for helping me build the birdhouse, I liked how your instructions were clear and how you helped me when I was stuck.”

Bella - “I liked how Bobby told us how to safely use the tools and how he helped me if I couldn’t do something. It was very very fun, can you come back again?!”

Harriet “I liked how it was pre-cut, but it was still challenging to put together. It was a good balance and I learnt lots and it was very fun.”

Jaxon “You helped me fix my mistakes and showed me how to do it correctly. I had lots of fun.”

Travis “I liked how Bobby showed me what to do, when I was stuck he tried to explain it to me in different ways. This helped me to learn.”

The Students at Templeton Primary School


Kia ora Cook Brothers Team, 

A huge thank you for creating an awesome carpentry space for our tamariki. It is getting heaps of use! The kids had a blast deconstructing a dryer, something we wouldn't have previously had space to do! Thanks again for the awesome difference you make in the community.

Macandrew Bay Playcentre Whānau 



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