Holy Trinity Church Hall

Auckland Strengthening

The iconic Holy Trinity Parish Hall in Devonport has completed a large renovation project. Originally built in 1911, and with improvements added over the years, the Parish Hall is the largest venue in Devonport with seating for 250 people. The works on this historic building included a range of projects around refurbishment, seismic strengthening, demolition and rebuild.


 In collaboration with MPM Projects, our Auckland team has successfully completed the refurbishment and seismic upgrade of the Holy Trinity Devonport Hall. This also encompassed a demolition and refurbishment of the adjacent extension, resulting in a vastly improved communal space.

The refurbishment involved both external and internal improvements, including seismic strengthening to ensure the safety of the building. Additionally, an architecturally designed small chapel was added to the building, along with conference facilities, to make it a more versatile space for use by the church and community.

Specific attention was paid to preserving the history and character of the site while modernizing it to meet the needs of the church and community. The end result was a beautiful, functional space that can be used for a variety of purposes, from worship services to community events. The stained glass windows are from the original church built on the site back in the 1800s, and burnt down in the 1990s.

A particularly gratifying aspect of the Project was the meticulous sanding and polishing of the aged timber floor. This process revitalised the hall and preserved its rich history for generations to come. Congratulations to everyone who contributed to this achievement.

The result is a space that will serve the church and community for many years to come. The church held a blessing ceremony upon the completion of the works in September 2023.


  • Heritage and Adaptive Reuses Property Award - Excellence - Property Council NZ Awards 2024